HIT Active Stable Planning & Consultation
Jelka are your UK HIT Active Stable consultants and we work closely with you to ensure that the needs of the horses, owners and staff are fulfilled.
What we do, for your HIT Active Stable
From first concepts to final design and build, we are with you along the way. It's a truly personal experience. It doesn't matter how long it takes, let's set out to make it right!
We share our knowledge with you
We have experience in horse management, agriculture, construction and project management. Over time we have developed a wealth of experience alongside HIT Active Stable. We are glad to pass on this knowledge to you for your success.
Continuously updating and improving
Through our global network we are always innovating. Products and processes that work (or don't) we share with you.

HIT Active Stable planning - the general process from start to finish
Contact Us
Contact us to receive an information package about HIT Active Stable and arrange a personal consultation.
Visit or video call a working HIT Active Stable.
Talk to experienced operators and planners about the HIT Active Stable system and management.
Organise a visit to your location with a consultant from Jelka to determine your business goals, requests, requirements and how they can all be implemented.
Confirm a planning order that will enable Jelka to begin draft design work and master plans of your HIT Active Stable.
On request - book a strategic consultation to focus your business goals and target market. Alongside your consultant you can develop a distinct market position and unique selling point.
Agreed master plans of your HIT Active Stable can now provide the basis for further meetings with:
Architects, funding sources/banks/lenders, approval authorities and groundworks contractors.
Beginning Construction
Construction commencing Jelka will coordinate supplies, assembly and commissioning of the HIT Active Stable products.
Installation of computerised feeding systems is to be carried out by qualified service staff from Jelka who will also provide assistance with questions and service back up.
With your cooperation and approval, before opening your HIT Active Stable we will organise seminars, events or open days inviting your potential customers. This serves to discuss any questions your potential clients may have.
In addition, we can offer special training to future HIT Active Stable operators at experienced HIT Active Stable businesses.
On your opening day or event, your consultants will be on hand to assist with any questions or training including operation and configuration of the feeding computers.
Regular Meetings
With your cooperation Jelka will organise regular meetings between Jelka and other HIT Active Stable operators. The aim is the assist in the transfer or knowledge, views and experience between owners.